
Make data work for you. Identify opportunities, remove the guesswork & save time.

Sifting through data is time-consuming. CustomerIQ is a service that allows you to append valuable data to your customer file, including demographics, life event triggers, next most likely product, attrition scores, and more. By combining this data with your data, you can gain a 360-degree view of your customer base and identify opportunities to improve engagement, increase revenue, and reduce attrition.

Learn more about how CustomerIQ can help you serve your clients better.

Deeper Customer Insight

By appending valuable data to your customer file, you can gain a deeper understanding of your customer base by product and demographics.

User-Friendly Dashboard

Our solution includes an interactive dashboard report that highlights key metrics, which can be refreshed monthly, quarterly or annually, depending on your needs.

Lifestage Trigger

Life stage trigger data can identify customers experiencing a significant life event such as moving, marriage, new baby, or divorce. This can allow you to send targeted offers and provide personalized service.

Next-Most Likely Product

With our next most likely product model, you can identify which customers might have an additional product need, increasing revenue and customer satisfaction.

Attrition Scoring

Attrition scoring identifies customers likely to leave and those worth saving, helping you focus your resources on retaining your most valuable customers.

Identify Other Opportunities

Other insights include helping you identify customers who generate revenue currently and those that have potential to generate more. In addition, you can identify wealth management opportunities by identifying customers that may have significant liquid assets at other institutions.